Article I. NAME
The name of the organization shall be The Delaware Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages, hereafter referred to as DECTFL.
The purpose of DECTFL shall be to foster unity among World Language teachers and to improve and promote the teaching of World Languages at all levels in the State of Delaware. DECTFL is a non-profit organization 501(C)(3).
1.The organization shall be composed of Active, Honorary, and Emeritus Members interested in the cause of World Language education.
2.All dues-paying members will be called Active Members of DECTFL.
3.The Executive Board may confer honorary membership upon persons for meritorious service to the World Language profession. Any member of DECTFL may propose names to the Board for consideration. The decision, however, remains with the Executive Board.
4. All active DECTFL members are welcome to attend any open Board meeting.
5. Student teachers enrolled in World Language teaching programs throughout the State of Delaware will be admitted as honorary members during their student teaching practicum.
Article IV. THE BOARD 1. Board Members a. shall all serve on a volunteer basis without financial compensation. b. shall be composed of the officers, one representative from each World Language organization in the state, when possible, and at least one from each of the following groups: public, independent, and diocesan schools; universities, colleges, and school administrators, when possible. c. shall be elected based on the recommendation of the Board Member Nominating Committee. d. shall total at least twelve but not more than twenty. e. are required to serve on at least one committee or serve as an Executive Officer. f. are required to attend social activities (a minimum of 2 Board members must attend each activity and must sign up in advance). g. are required to attend at least 3/4 of the Board meetings that take place annually. Board members may attend virtually unable to attend in person. Any Board member unable to attend a meeting must notify the President or Secretary in advance.
2. Executive Officers a. shall be the President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, and Immediate Past President. b. must attend all Board meetings that take place annually. Executive Officers may attend virtually if unable to attend in person. c. must meet the specific duties of that office as described in Article VIII.
3. The Board will convene and vote on the removal of any Board member who does not meet the requirements to serve. Board members in question may appeal to the Board.
4. Any active DECTFL member may present an idea to the Board. Any motion to move forward must be made by a DECTFL Board member. DECTFL Board Members shall vote on a motion, which must be approved by a two-thirds majority. Electronic voting via email or text messaging is permissible. All motions made during a meeting need to be voted on at that time. If a member is not present nor able to vote electronically at that time, they forfeit their right to vote.
1. The Executive Officers of DECTFL shall be elected biennially by the membership in May from a slate of officers proposed by the Chair of the Nominating Committee. This vote can take place electronically. Officers may serve unlimited terms.
2. Officers of DECTFL shall automatically become Members of the Executive Board, if desired. Representatives from language groups, academic institutions, and school administrations may be proposed by those organizations or by the Nominating Committee. The Board shall also appoint members to fill any vacancies which may occur. All Members of the Board shall be Active Members.
Article VI. TERMS
1. The President, Vice President, Treasurer and Secretary shall serve for a two-year term, with an unlimited number of terms.
2. Standing Committees shall include but are not limited to the following: Professional Development, Networking Events, Teacher of the Year and Advocate of the Year, Advocacy, Immersion Weekend, Annual Banquet and Scholarship funds.
1. The President shall preside at all membership meetings. The President shall be Chair of the Board of Directors, shall present at each annual business meeting of the organization an annual report of the work of the organization, and shall appoint all committees, temporary or permanent. The President shall see that all books, reports, and certificates are properly kept or filed; be one of the officers to sign the checks or the drafts of the organization; and have such powers as may be reasonably construed as belonging to the Chief Executive of any organization. President shall be in charge of disseminating information from State and National organizations including, but not limited to, the DE Department of Education. President is required to be on the DECTFL bank account.
2. The Vice President shall assist the President in the event of his/her resignation or disability and shall serve for the duration of the unexpired term of the President. The Vice President shall be Vice Chair of the Board of Directors and shall have all powers and duties of the President in his/her absence. Vice President oversees the Chair of the Public Relations Committee. Vice President is required to be listed on the DECTFL bank account. Vice President assists and supports the President as h/she fulfills all the duties and obligations of the President of the organization.
3. The Secretary shall take minutes at all meetings and present them in typed form at the following meeting for Board approval. The secretary will also create and send out a quarterly newsletter based on the board meeting minutes and events happening in the organization. This can be done electronically or through the postal service.
4. The Treasurer shall handle all financial affairs of DECTFL and maintain detailed records of assets and liabilities in keeping with generally-accepted principles of accounting. The Treasurer shall submit a detailed, typed report of the financial records at both the fall and end-of-year meetings, and the financial records may be subjected annually to an audit before the Annual Fall meeting. The Treasurer shall be custodian of all funds of the organization. He/she must be one of the three officers who shall sign checks or drafts of the organization, shall keep a record of all vouchers for all money received and/ or paid by the organization, shall render at each regular meeting of the Board of Directors a written account of the finances of the organization, and shall physically affix such records to the Minutes of the Board of Directors of such meeting. The Treasurer shall exercise all duties incident to the office of Treasurer, on the proviso that all funds disbursed from DECTFL accounts be approved by a two-thirds majority of the Board. In the event of an unforeseen expense payable before the next meeting, voting can take place by e-mail. Treasurer is required to go on the DECTFL bank account.
5. The outgoing Teacher of the Year must present at the DECTFL Conference, attend the banquet to receive award and attend the following year in order to give a brief speech as outgoing TOY. Teacher of the Year is expected to attend NECTFL's Conference as a DECTFL representative. They will receive a stipend of $100 from DECTFL to help offset the costs of the NECTFL Conference and should attend their Awards Ceremony.
6. The Friend of Language recipient will become a non-voting honorary member of the DECTFL board, who will not count towards quorum. This non-honorary DECTFL board membership will last two (2) years. ARTICLE VIII: BUDGET
At the first meeting of the year and annually thereafter, the officers shall present a budget proposal for the upcoming year, which must be approved by a two-thirds majority of the Board. The budget may be amended only with approval of two-thirds of the Board, either at a regular Board meeting or by e-mail. The President shall keep a paper copy of e-mail votes, which the Secretary shall enter into the minutes at the next Board meeting.
The annual Treasurer's Report shall include a summary sheet reconciling the approved budget proposal and the actual receipts and expenditures for the year.
The fiscal year shall extend from September 1st through August 31st of the following year.
1. The Executive Board shall be responsible for the development and implementation of all DECTFL procedures.
2. Officers or their designees are expected to attend all Board meetings.
3. The Rules of Procedure of the organization at all meetings shall be governed by generally-followed rules of order.4.In the event DECTFL should ever need to be dissolved, any assets will be divided equally between ACTFL and NECTFL. (The American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages and the North East Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages.)
4. At the annual DeCTFL Conference, one winner of Best of Delaware will be chosen. That presenter's name will be forwarded to NECTFL and will be asked to present at their conference that school year. DECTFL agrees to pay a stipend of $100 to offset the costs for the NECTFL Conference.
5. The President and Vice President are expected to attend the annual NECTFL Conference. Their conference registration fees will be paid for by DECTFL. If either the President or the Vice President cannot attend, the Board will delegate another board member to go. They are expected to attend the State Leaders' workshop and luncheon on the Thursday of the beginning of the conference as well as create and bring a basket to be auctioned off at the conference. No more than $60 will be reimbursed for the cost of the basket.